You are not alone if the clutter in your home is too overwhelming for you to handle on your own. According to the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professional (which your favorite professional organizer happens to be a member of *toots own horn*) 54 percent of America is overwhelmed by the amount of clutter they have, but 78 percent do not know to do with all of that stuff or find it too complicated to deal with it (2015). Hiring a professional organizer is an effective and efficient way to not only minimize your clutter, but also create a functional organization system in your home that can be maintained by you and your family. Professional organizers often go into "the biz" because they have a talent and eye for all things organization-- and yes, it's true, we really find satisfaction in organizing! Those beautiful "after" photos we create truly make our hearts soar and it's even better knowing we helped solve a problem for others. There are a few things all Professional Organizers want our clients to know before the organizing process begins. As an experienced Certified Professional Organizer® myself, I want to give you all a peek on the other side and help you prepare to work with a professional organizer, so I'm sharing with you 3 things Professional Organizers wish their clients knew. 1. If you're not willing to get rid of things, you're wasting your money. Before hiring a professional organizer, you need to be mentally prepared to donate and discard. Decluttering is an ESSENTIAL step in the organizing process. It may not be easy but you will have to relinquish a smidge of control and trust your professional organizer when they say "You really should part with *this.*" You are paying and hiring them for a reason! Your professional organizer will know how much needs to be given away/discarded and help you decide what you truly need. If you're not ready to reduce the number of items in your space, then your professional organizer will simply be rearranging rather than implementing an ideal organization system. 2. We are NOT judging the state of your home-- Honestly. Easily the most common hesitation people have about hiring a professional organizer is worrying they will judge your space. Professional organizers are the most organized people- right?! So they won't believe their eyes when they see such a chaotic home- right?! WRONG!! Professional organizers have seen it all, trust me, and even we have a disorderly spot in our homes. Nothing shocks us and we truly just want to help you. You may see a chaotic, cluttered, shameful closet-- we see an opportunity to use our skills, express our organizing creativity and make a client happy! 3. Doing the job right takes time Quality organizing work takes longer than you may think. The cluttered room did not happen in two hours, so it is not going to be fixed in two hours either. A good professional organizer will need ample time to get your space in tip-top shape. Pressuring an organizer to rush or requiring them to finish in an unreasonable amount of time will only result in either an unfinished job or half-assed work. Make sure to use the consultation (which most professional organizers require) to get a full understanding of the estimated time and cost necessary to achieve the results you're looking for. Budget and allow for the time to let us do our job and give you a high quality end result. I hope you enjoyed reading about the 3 things all professional organizers wish our clients knew! What questions do you have about the process of working with a professional organizer? Comment below! If you're looking for more organization ideas and tips, follow Sage Organizing Co. on Pinterest! Need more help with organizing your home or estate clearing? Contact us and book a consultation to start your organized life today! Professional Disclaimer: The ideas, recommendations, and opinions on this website, blog, and made in person are for educational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered legal, financial, or medical advice. I am not an attorney, doctor, or licensed financial professional. Sage Organizing Co., LLC is not liable for any losses or damages related to actions or failure to act related to the content of this website, blog, or in-person discussions. If you need specific legal, financial, or medical advice, consult a professional in your area.
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