Before you can get properly organized, it is important to declutter your home! Now wait, I can already hear you saying, "That's great Candi, but where do I START?!" I totally understand what you mean. It can be hard to decide what to give away and what to keep especially when we feel attached many items in our home. How many times have you thought, "Well, maybe I'll need this sometime in the distant future?" or "What if I regret/feel guilty about getting rid of this?" I know the feeling and that is why I am here to help! I have compiled a short list of 15 items you should NOT feel bad about getting rid of. Whether you are planning on moving, recently moved, or just plain tired of the disorganization, this list will guide you in starting to declutter your home. Some items on the list can definitely be thrown away, but I highly recommend you consider the condition of the item first and if it should be donated so that somebody else can benefit from it. Your GUILT-FREE Decluttering List 1. Old nail polishes and expired skincare/makeup 2. Clothing you haven't worn in years or clothing you bought years ago but never wore 3. Games and puzzles with missing pieces 4. Old children's toys and dog toys (this is important not only for decluttering but for sanitary purposes too!) 5. Books, including recipe books, that you don't plan on reading again or reading at all (be honest with yourself here) 6. Mostly empty cleaning supplies/bottles and condiment bottles 7. Broken jewelry or jewelry you never wear including watches 8. Old receipts, coupons, flyers, notes, and paper (If there is info you REALLY need, transfer it to a document on your computer/phone!) 9. Children's art work, completed school work, and old baby clothes... narrow down to just a few of these if you want memories or take photos on your phone. I know it can be hard, but you definitely don't need all of it! 10. Pens, markers, and any other craft supplies that are old or excessive 11. Old/frayed underwear, socks, and undergarments 12. Plastic bags from grocery and shopping stores 13. DVD's, CD's, and VCR tapes as well as old electronic players 14. Old, damaged cooking utensils such as spatulas and cooking spoons 15. Old or worn rugs, towels, and blankets (I especially like to switch out my old hand towels with new ones so I always have bright white and fresh towels in the bathroom!) Phew, and that's it folks! Of course, this isn't a comprehensive list for everything you need to get rid of, but it's a good place to start. And, let me remind you one last time, you do NOT need to feel guilty about throwing away or donating any of the items I listed! If you're looking for more organization ideas and tips, follow Sage Organizing Co. onPinterest! Need more help with organizing your home? Contact us and book a consultation to start your organized life today!
Professional Disclaimer: The ideas, recommendations, and opinions on this website, blog, and made in person are for educational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered legal, financial, or medical advice. I am not an attorney, doctor, or licensed financial professional. Sage Organizing Co., LLC is not liable for any losses or damages related to actions or failure to act related to the content of this website, blog, or in-person discussions. If you need specific legal, financial, or medical advice, consult a professional in your area.
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