After you make it through the holidays, you'll be ready to detox, declutter, and organize your home. Your post-holiday disaster zone can be whipped into shape if you take a couple extra minutes as you are putting things away. Take the time to donate, discard and simply pare down the volume of holidays items this year, and next year you will be golden!
I'll be sharing tips I've learned as a Professional Organizer to get your post-holiday home organized. And because I'm cool like that, I'm sharing this free printable Post-Holiday Organizing Decluttering Checklist with all ya'll!
Ready to rock your post-holiday organizing? Keep reading!Organizing for the holidays
There are a boatload of things you need to sweat BEFORE the holidays. Scheduling, budget +shopping, hosting, entertaining, travel, food, and family dynamics: no wonder we're already exhausted (and, honestly, a bit pissy) in early December.
I'm here to give you a few simple tips and tricks for getting your act organized AFTER the madness has passed. My advice: give it a couple of days before you jump in to taking everything down and putting it away for next year. And seriously...have a little Bailey's Irish Cream in your coffee as you work. Working at a reasonable pace with a little drinky-poo in your tum tum makes the task waaaay more tolerable. #MyPersonalMotto Decorations
Lights: Discard strings of lights that don't work and keep on walking. End of story. Don't fool yourself into thinking you're going to replace the bulbs. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Ornaments: Save your egg cartons throughout the year and store your random ornaments in them. Don't plop them all into a leftover popcorn tin, like some dummy I know once did. (Ahem: I'm the dummy. What a dang mess I made). Interior decor: time for some Tough Love, y'all. If you haven't put it up in 3 years, donate or discard it. There: I said it. I get it: some of the stuff is sentimental. There are family items, wedding gifts, and stuff you bought when your kids were babies. But you DO NOT HAVE TO KEEP IT ALL. Remember: you still love your grandma even if you donate the Precious Moments Christmas figurines she gave you for your wedding. Struggling? OK, try photographing the item, developing the picture (like...on paper!), and keep the photo. (I'll give you a tip for what to do with the photos in a bit). BOOM! Problem solved. Let the actual items go to Goodwill or the trash can.
Related reading:
Clutter Puts the "Rage" in Garage: 6 DIY Steps to Organize Your Garage with free Garage Planning checklist 4 Smart Ideas for Selling Your Stuff Offline...and 1 Really Dumb One Cards
Cards you received this year: I truly love looking at photo holiday cards through the year. I keep mine in a pretty wooden bowl in my office and browse through them often. A sweet friend of mine keeps hers on the coffee table in her living room: I love looking at them every time I visit her in Florida. Naturally, I make sure my family card is placed at the top of her pile, 'cuz that is how I roll.
Extras of the photo cards you sent out this year: Keep 5-10 and recycle the rest. I mean it...walk over to the recycle bin and put those extra cards in there. I'm putting my money where my mouth is: I tossed out probably 100 duplicate photo cards this year. I felt a little Grinchy, but I did not need 25 extra cards from 2012. Neither do you. Extra generic cards that you've picked up on clearance but haven't used: Let 'em go. Keep what you HONESTLY think you will use, then donate the rest to Goodwill. Your donation will benefit someone else! Make notes in your planner about cards ordered, sent and received. I like to note in my planner how many cards I ordered and the price each year. It makes it easier for me when ordering the following year. It truly simplifies my post-holiday organizing.
Suggested Reading:
3 Ways to Organize Your Life + Time with the Erin Condren Life Planner How I Created a Weekly Routine That Works for Our Family with free Weekly Family Routine Checklist Gifts
Kitchen + Pantry
Food Gift containers/tins/jars, etc.: My theory is Use It or Lose It. I'm totally guilty of hoarding cookie tins like there's no tomorrow. But you know what? I don't bake cookies and gift why on earth am I collecting tins? Goodwill: you are welcome for all the cookie tins I just donated.
Corporate food gifts: We receive "business" food gifts throughout the season. If you do too, I'd suggest freezing whatever you can and stashing it for later. My friends and family will attest that I pull out frozen Christmas kringle and Cheryl's cookies all year long. And God Bless the wonderful companies that send us Omaha Steaks! Clean out your pantry: After you've made it through the holidays, do a down+dirty pantry clean out. Chuck out the half-eaten bags of Christmas tree shaped pretzels, the last few pieces of peppermint bark, and the stale cookies. Get yourself ready for all the delightful kale and chia seeds you're going to eat in the new year. The house
Related reading:
Assess the Mess: How to Plan out Downsizing a Home with free printable Room-by-Room Checklist 4 Smart Ideas for Selling Your Stuff Offline...and 1 Really Dumb One You are ready to crush your post-holiday organizing + decluttering!
Organizing your house after the holidays is easier than you may think. Take the time to declutter items as you put them away and next year you'll have less to deal with . Donate items you don't use to charity: your cast-offs can be a blessing for someone else.
Professional Disclaimer: The ideas, recommendations, and opinions on this website, blog, and made in person are for educational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered legal, financial, or medical advice. I am not an attorney, doctor, or licensed financial professional. Sage Organizing Co., LLC is not liable for any losses or damages related to actions or failure to act related to the content of this website, blog, or in-person discussions. If you need specific legal, financial, or medical advice, consult a professional in your area.
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